Closet Sale - Returning Consignors


Hello friends! Thank you for being a part of our closet sale. When you participate in the sale, you're supporting small business, sustainable actions, and your own local economy. We're so happy to have you here!

Our next sale will be held on April 15th and 16th. Please note that we will be removing old inventory from sales 1-3 and may reach out to you to facilitate pickup of these items. If you have items from sales 4-5 that have not sold, we encourage consignors to lower their prices in order to ensure better sales. 

If you have new merchandise to contribute, you may create a new list with your items and prices. We are also happy to set prices for you if you would prefer to simply drop your items off.

If you would like us to set prices for you, please drop off your items in store at any point before April 2nd. 

If you would like to price your own items, please create a new list using this format and email it to

After your list is approved, please drop off your items by April 2nd.

Drama Club takes 30% commission on all sales. This covers card processing, packaging, and staffing. 

We can't wait to see you there!